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Re: Default OS should be Linux

__/ [John Bailo] on Sunday 08 January 2006 20:53 \__
> Logically, every PC sold should come with Linux pre-installed, because its
> free, and XP would be an optional add on cost.

I am seeing more and more companies in Manchester which sell computers as
merely hardware. There is an additional cost for a Windows licence and
installation (GBP ~75), so one can opt out. I agree that installing Linux on
all of these machines wouldn't take long. It's a batch mode task and you can
set up Linux on 20 machines in 1 hour. It's a production line-like job,
which requires very few skills. You could pay a lad GBP 7 per hour to have
it done.

Some vendors already pre-install Linux and a few put the Linux CD(s) in the
box, which they allow you to (re-)install in turn. They test to ensure that
the particular distribution is compatible with all the hardware, so there is
no risk or hassle. Moreover, the user chooses what to install. No AV trials
and AOL icons on your desktop. The choice is yours, also if you wish to
steer away and choose a different distribution that you favour. 

> Even for Dell and Gateway, the should have a no cost Linux option (say
> OpenSuse 10), and then offer XP Home or Pro as a dropdown choice.
> This would allow them to have a No Support/Linux as basic, a
> Supported/Linux as cost and then some Windows options.

Industry is also driven by ties. When the demand for Linux increases due to
awareness (demise of the FUD), there will be a compelling enough reasons for
more companies to abolish these ties.

This explains the existence of Open PC's, Ubuntu desktops and laptops from HP
and an ever increasing number of Linux PC's and Linux-only vendors. When
large distributors fail to sell Vista computers because the crowd opts for
KDE 4 from the local shops, they will have to mature, evolve and adapt, i.e.
provide Linux options. Because of mass production, they will also be able to
offer better deals than your average local shop, which is said given their
previous unjustified support of a monopoly.


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