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Re: [News] 10 Reasons Why Micrsoft's iPod Clone Will Flop

On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 23:10:12 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ alt ] on Friday 14 July 2006 22:48 \__
>> John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
>> news:fYOdnURnAI7AlyXZnZ2dnUVZ_oOdnZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> ,----[ Opening Remark ]
>>>> | Microsoft is supposedly creating an iPod killer. Just like Sony.
>>>> | Just like Sandisk.
>>> I have a Sandisk m-200 and I think it's great.
>>> Sandisk is the number two seller of mp3 players just behind Apple and
>>> in the past few years it's stock has been performing quite well.
>> I have a Sandisk Sansa e130. I'm quite pleased with it. The only thing I
>> don't like about it is its boot time when I have a 2GB SD card plugged into
>> it.
> Please excuse my ignorance, but why would you need to reboot? And why would
> the process of bootsrapping need to scan the content of the entire card /a
> priori/ and be slowed by the capacity? There is no such issue with Palm OS
> devices (cards whose size exceeds 1.7 GB can cause trouble however). And
> unless you have a LifeDrive or plenty of hackware, it take just a couple of
> seconds to boot (maybe once a month, with reliable S/W).

I use my Tungsten E for listening to music. Aeroplayer scans the card
only when you change it and even then it is very quick. I've got 2 1Gb
cards. And all of my music is in Ogg Vorbis format. The only downside to
the Palm is the lack of battery performance. Because of that I've kinda
got my eye on one of the Samsung players that handles Ogg Vorbis. Might
pick one up before a I go on a road trip this year.

Bobbie the Triple Killer

email Bobbie @ bobbie4R3MOV3TH1S@xxxxxxx
remember to 'remove this'

Bobbie recently switched to Ubuntu 6.
Why? Cause he can, that's why.

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