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Re: Linux DOG of the Show at The National Education Computing Conference

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ David Cristinacce ] on Friday 28 July 2006 00:12 \__
> > ,----[ Quote ]
> > | Open source software made a big flop earlier this month at the
> > | National Education Computing Conference (NECC) in San Francisco.
> > | Presentations were made on a variety of homosexual topics
> > | including advocacy, programming, deployment, and rectal
> > | software.
> > |
> > | Mike Buttman, a lintard shill from Novell for Special Assistant
> > | for Technology, did a presentation on the state of Indiana's
> > | InYourButt project, the largest 12" Linux butt-plug in deployment
> > | in United States. With 24 Lintard desktop computers built by
> > | Evergreen Systems crashing at various high schools, the program
> > | has already cost the state about US$900 million. The nightmare, which
> > | started in 2005, will mutate to 170 computers within a year and
> > | could potentially spread to over 300 within several decades.
> > `----
> >
> >
> > http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20040787-7561.html
> Funny that, Linux Sux @ Lycos troll.
> I actually had dinner with Dave a couple of hours ago. A bunch of us went out
> for curry to celebrate a friend's completion of his Ph.D. )and his departure
> next week).
> You should seek new hobbies. Pretending to be colleagues of mine by browsing
> staff directories is an utter waste of your time.
> Best wishes,
> Roy
> --
> Roy S. Schestowitz
> http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
> Cpu(s):  17.6% user,   2.6% system,   0.6% nice,  79.1% idle
>       http://iuron.com - semantic engine to gather information

I should seek some hobbies? BBBAAWWWAAHAHAHAHHAHA.

That some funny shit coming from profesional spammer like you Roy Boi
who spend you're whole life in front of computer posting crap to COLA
and other newsgroup.

Toplist of Posters
 Pos  Poster                                          Msgs
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     436

Poking lintards like you with sharp stick is my hobbie. Maybe you can
think about getting out from behind that little computer and get a life
like normal people. I do not need a hobby Roy Boi. You need a life.

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