Oliver Wong wrote:
> "Au79" <au79@xxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:jH9yg.223408$Ze6.73655@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Linux News - USA
>> Additionally, the world's number-two handset vendor will transition
>> future feature-phones to Linux, starting with a Scpl ("scalpel") model
>> due in October ...
>> <http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS2701809386.html>
> I'm worried to post this, as I feel it might generate some
> controversy,
> but... you know how on Slashdot, people complain about stories getting
> duped all the time because the editors aren't checking what the others are
> posting? I think that's starting to happen here.
> Roy posted about the SCPL at
> http://groups.google.ca/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/cb6ec5970584709d
> and your "Is Linux ready for the fight ahead?" at
> http://groups.google.ca/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/339c53ce25768fff
> was posted by Roy at
> http://groups.google.ca/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/f9b1c386bd1a6628
> As I mentioned in another thread, I have mixed feelings about Roy's
> news
> postings, but felt that they did more good than harm. However, I don't
> think much good will come out of having every story posted twice, and the
> ensuring conversation fragmented between those two posts.
> - Oliver
Roy and myself post independently and I don't care to check to see if the
subject matter has already been covered by Roy. However, all your concerns
seem rather petty and inconsequential with no real support from other
posters that may share your opinion.
At the least, Roy hasn't complained to me.
BTW, with all respect to Roy, I do believe that I have been posting news
stories worthy of the group before Roy... bout 5 years now; however, he is
far more prodigal.