flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:38:02 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> I am not entirely sure. Traffic in this group has declines, but possibly
>> because there is less tit-for-tat with the trolls. Then come to consider
>> UseNet archives, which offer provide the answer and obviate the need to
>> re-enquire.
> Traffic has declined and will continue to decline at least in part because
> of your boring {Mews] posts clogging up the group.
> People who wander in here are going to leave because they get blasted with
> all of your tripe and figure there is nothing else in this group so they
> leave.
> So while you are on topic, so would posting 1000 "Linux is Great! Isn't
> It?" messages.
> And those messages would get about the same number of responses as your
> {Mews] messages have been getting.
> Excepting of course your shills like Mark Kent for example.
> The people in this group have created a monster by feeding his
> narcissistic, inflated ego.
> They just haven't realized it yet, but they will.
Why haven't you filtered out Roy's posts if you dislike them so much?