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Re: Dual-Booting Ubuntu and Another O/S

__/ [ M ] on Saturday 03 June 2006 22:30 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ M ] on Saturday 03 June 2006 20:05 \__
>>> Larry Qualig wrote:
>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2622/how-to_dual-boot_ubuntu
>>>>> Partition and disk management in Dapper seems to have been simplified
>>>>> _a lot_.
>>> Thanks Roy, might come in handy. For the moment I use 2 separate drives
>>> which can be cold swapped. One windows (won't be used very often) and one
>>> Kubuntu (dapper) :-)
>> The computer in my older office had two hard-drives. I installed Ubuntu on
>> one, but never bothered with the other (just a 4 GB appendage anyway). The
>> hard(er) part was fitting the hard-drive and having the BIOS detect it
>> successfully.
> I had my local computer supplier fit a caddy to my PC. Select which Hard
> Disk you want, slide it in, lock, and fire up the PC.
> <snip>

My friend has this machanism, but after a while he nagged about technical
problems as the hard-drives were not properly recognised. Maybe wear or
dust, although blowing air at the port had no effect. It was hit-or-miss.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate (Medical Biophysics)
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