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Re: To Kind comp.os.linux.advocacy Readers

flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 10:11:14 -0700, Larry Qualig wrote:
> >
> > If you can't take this slightest bit of criticism then you are going to
> > have a very difficult time out in the real world once you leave the
> > safe haven of academia.
> Yea Roy appears to have a very thin skin.
> He seems to like attention, but expects all the attention to be positive.
> That alone makes him the perfect COLA tinfoil hat candidate!
> >leave the safe haven of academia.

> What makes you think he will ever leave?
> Chances are he will end up teaching and you
> know what they say about teachers?

Well I hope that he does leave, even if he plans on ultimately
teaching. It would be a diservice to both himself and his students if
he goes into teaching without any real-world experience to augment what
he read in his text books. Taking classes and writing research papers
is one thing but there's still no substituted for hands on experience.
If I were running the world I would insist that all professors have at
least a couple of years worth of private-sector experience in their
field before teaching on the subject.

If you were a student who wanted to go into the 'business world' after
college - who would be better prepared to teach you about the business
world. Someone like Warren Buffer or Donald Trump who have both the
education and the first hand experience or some dorky professor who's
never stepped out of the university? Out in the real world both Buffet
and Trump would roll over this professor like there's no tomrrow.

> Those that can't.....Teach
> Those that can't teach...........Teach Physical Education!
> -- 
> flatfish+++
> "Why do they call it a flatfish?"

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