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Re: Pirate?! WTF?!

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Da'Punk-A wrote:

> If you defend a crime, you have no recourse to the law yourself, is
> what you seem to be saying.  And that, Erik, is ridiculous and you
> know it.  I shoplifted when I was a kid.  So if someone murders my
> children and I phone the police, I'm a hypocrite.  If I smoke
> cannabis, it is right and proper that arsonists torch my home and the
> authorities stand idly by.
> Yeah, Mad Erik. Moohahaha!!

His argument is plainly insane.  It actually reminds me of an old
Simpsons episode, which I will quote here under terms of fair use (just
so Erik doesn't get his panties in a bunch):

Homer: Remember when I got caught stealing all those watches from Sears?

Marge: Hmm.

Homer: Well, that's nothing, because _you_ have a gambling problem!  And
remember when I let that escaped lunatic in the house 'cause he was
dressed like Santa Claus?

Marge: Hmm.

Homer: Well _you_ have a gambling problem!

How about it, Erik, you can't seriously be that anal, can you?  To say
that a person cannot still point out blatant crimes of others, once they
have themselves committed the tiniest of infractions (and this one
really *is* tiny, even though you're trying to blow it entirely out of
proportion).  I'm betting that if one digs deep enough, some dirt will
show up for you too (whether you got caught or not), and then by your
own argument, you would be a hypocrite and could not accuse Roy of
anything.  And don't even try to pretend that you've never done anything
illegal.  Everyone has at one time or another, whether they
realize/admit to it or not.

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