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Re: OT Ping John Bokma or Roy

On 19 Jun 2006 19:19:40 GMT, John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Paul <lamewolf2004[REMOVE]@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi Guys
>> I hope you don't mind me asking this, but you two know what you are on
>> about and may be able to help.
>> As you know I have had hotlinking problems since the upgrade of the
>> hosting company servers.
>> They eventually contacted me today and basically said "here is the
>> program the last owner used. Get on with it yourself"
>> The program they used is this http://www.
>> michaelbrumm.com/leechblocker.html
>> Now, I have downloaded the files. One of which is a dll.
>> This dll is already showing in a folder when I open ftp. - ie: it is
>> still in the same place after the upgrade as it was before.
>> The other file I was to download were .dsw .dsp .aps files [and more]
>> I have no idea where these go etc as I cannot even (or ever have seen
>> them) so I have no idea how I can do this.
>> Can either of you please confirm that the hosting company have to do
>> this.
>Hi Paul,
>No experience with IIS/ASP. I had a quick peek at the site given above, 
>and it sounds like your hosting provider has to add an ISAPI filter. I 
>have no idea if you can do that yourself even if you knew what to do, 
>since it sounds to me like something that requires Administrator rights.

That is exactly what I thought too. I just needed it confirmed before
I get back to them. I didn't want to look more foolish that I already
do. <g>

Thanks John.

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