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Re: Linux Supercomputing Significantly Improves Cost Effectiveness

I am on my laptop with Suse 10 and firefox. You would think a site
would just know they are going to annoy the hell out of their audience
by advertising in such a way. I mean, I have 6 or 7 of my own websites
and try to make a little money as well, but would never put an ad that
plops out in front of all text, follows as you scroll and just sits
there. Who ever thought that up should be shot.

It absolutely negates the entire website. You might as well shut the
server down.


Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ shanejoel ] on Tuesday 13 June 2006 18:11 \__
> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >> Linux Networx Accelerators to Drive Up to 4x Price/Performance of Existing
> >> Accelerator Solutions
> >>
> >> Developers Program Launched to Speed Adoption of Accelerator Innovation
> >>
> >> ,----[ Quote ]
> >> | Linux Networx has announced that it is applying its industry-leading
> >> | supercomputing expertise to the delivery of a series of innovative
> >> | application acceleration solutions expected to deliver up to 4x the
> >> | price/performance value of current application accelerators for key
> >> | applications.
> >> `----
> >>
> >> http://linux.sys-con.com/read/234587.htm
> >
> > Damn, I detest websites that have advertisements that follow you and
> > refuse to disappear. Absolutely dumb. I'm afraid I wont be back.
> It's not the first time that someone says something such as this about a link
> I put forward. I swear I could not see anything obtrusive. Do you have any
> advertisement blocking mechanisms? If not, I suggest you make use of one of
> the many which are available. I rarely see advertisements in Web sites
> (Firefox 1.0.a with Flash Block, AdBlock, CSS Ad Block, about:config
> alternations, NoScript).
> Best wishes,
> Roy
> --
> Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Falsity implies anything
> http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
>   6:40pm  up 47 days  0:13,  10 users,  load average: 2.10, 1.24, 1.01
>       http://iuron.com - knowledge engine, not a search engine

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