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Re: Pirate?! WTF?!

After takin' a swig o' grog, flatfish+++ belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:20:34 -0500, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> Of course when Daeron tried to get Simon fired for posting to COLA, that
>> was ok with most of the COLA people.  And then when Daeron tried to destroy
>> Simon's employer for not firing him, by sending their customes emails that
>> was OK with most of the COLA regulars too.
> Daeron is a sick person with some serious psychological
> problems.
> If you read some of his vicious attacks on Jack Schofield it's pretty
> obvious that Daeron has some mental issues. It's also interesting how COLA
> people ignore the fact that he often posts from open proxies and nymshifts
> as well as any wintroll. Personally I could care less where he posts from
> but I treat both sides equally and the COLA people have a blatant double
> standard.

Bullshit.  A couple people might.

Most don't give a rip who does what to whom, and simply ignore the
war-pairings that periodically surface here.

And sometimes they don't even notice.  I never knew that Daeron
(allegedly) did that.  Nor about his alleged attacks on Schofield.

I agree with you and Erik, and I'm sure most posters here do agree also,
that using someone's real life to gain leverage here or exact some kind
of petty-but-hurtful vengeance is despicable.

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