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Re: Who the hell is Roy Schestowitz?

  • Subject: Re: Who the hell is Roy Schestowitz?
  • From: Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 16:15:30 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Road Runner High Speed Online http://www.rr.com
  • References: <pan.2006.>
  • Reply-to: stutter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1124627
On 2006-06-29, Tom Wiley <nowhere@xxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> When he started loading up cola with news, I just planted his logo in my
> filter and forgot it.  No problem, I thought.
> But, when I am on the road I can't use my big news account with the
> million year retention time.  I have to use a news account accessable
> from a random connection and those have vastly shorter retention times. So
> the effect of all this unwanted news stuff is to push the normal posts off
> the bottom end in short order.
> Roy, why don't you open a news blog and post your missives there?  I am
> sure that an advertisment for it would be welcome here and there would
> then be room for real on-topic posts again.

So, you're saying:

a) using a newsreader on the road means you can't filter things?

b) you don't know how to filter in an alternative newsreader?

c) you have your non-on-the-road news provider do your filtering?

d) you can't simply killfile everything from Roy and not bother with
   any of it?

How are any of those Roy's fault or problem?

I say he should double his effort. The only on-topic posts we'd end up
with in his absences would be the usual trolls, followed by the usual
300 responses to the trolls. Roy's posts are causing them a lot of
heartburn or they wouldn't be unanimous in their efforts to squelch

I don't believe in dining on an empty stomach.
  -- W.C. Fields

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