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Re: BSOD on a brand new laptop

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Thursday 29 June 2006 17:04 \__

> Wintrolls are fond of saying that a lot of what COLAdvocates complain
> about are based on experience from years ago with win95 and win98.
> Well, last night, at a friend's place, we were streaming some video
> clips on his brand new, XP powered, HP laptop with an EVDO (wireless
> broadband via cell network) modem and -- Boom, the Blue Screen of Death.

Over Easter I used an XP laptop (not mine) and I can attest to the same
experience. Fatal BSoD. At the worst of times, too. Microsoft must have
'innovated' the idea of auto-save, but their 'windnow manager' and Web
browser haven't got that feature incorporated, even as a simple plugin.

> Now, admittedly, I haven't seen one for a while (well, a few months) but
> there it was in living color (blue).   So, we started trying to analyze
> the machine.
> First off we noticed that although he was set to receive automatic
> updates from Microsoft, he didn't have the latest Windows installer.  He
> only found that out when he went to the Windows Update to manually get
> the software, and found that not having the latest installer meant he
> wasn't getting all the updates (the whole Windows update process is
> seriously borked).
> Then I asked him about his EVDO driver for Windows.   He couldn't find
> the updates on the website and had to call the manufacturer and then
> they seemed a bit edgy on the drivers and the whole problem (we suspect
> it may be the cause of the blue screens).
> In any case, whether or not XP is responsible, or the "third party" --
> as a total system, where does he turn?   My advice, is to get a better
> product and spend more money on the hardware.
> In installed Prime95 to run a stress test and left it at that.

This post remidns me of the following, which I saw just hours ago:


                What happens when Windows XP is used for a
                Shopping Centre Kiosk instead of Linux

I see this in ATM's sometimes. No la-la land though. Just plain blue.

Best wishes,


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