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Re: [News] Linux Runs on the Palm Tungsten 3

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Nigel Feltham ] on Monday 26 June 2006 18:52 \__

>> Then again if you only want to do basic PIM stuff why not consider
>> getting an older Greyscale PALM - I'm currently carrying around a Palm
>> M105 which runs off 2x AAA batteries (so you can go into any store for
>> replacements when low) and has a claimed battery life of around 2 months
>> (can't confirm this - only had it a few weeks but battery is still
>> showing as full) and only cost me 3ukpounds on ebay.
> Careful with that unit! I believe you could lose data due to a capacitor
> issue.

Thanks for the info - I'll make sure I keep it backed up to my PC now
although I'm currently only using it to run games on during lunch breaks at
work anyway (mostly sudoku) so no great loss if it does get wiped.

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