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Re: Microsoft connections with Royal Bank of Canada

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Oops.  Thanks for the correction; and sorry about my statement.  I
> can think of the Royal Bank of Scotland as somewhat of an
> equivelent. Which reminds me of an on-topic story:

Yeah, I'm with the BOS, and I know from painful experience that the
RBOS is not a patch on them (in terms of customer service, at least).

> I am with National Westminster, but the Netcraft toolbar always
> reminds me that online banking is hosted by or shared with the Royal
> Bank of Scotland. Last week there was a downtime that lasted 2-3
> days! No banking for that long period of time. National
> Westminster's main Web site was down, affecting millions of
> customers. Their online banking domain (NWOLB) was down as
> well. RBoS likewise. Oh, yeah...  and they use Windows servers (with
> SSL).

The UK financial institutions predilection for Windows is frightening,
to say the least. How far the viral effect of Windows is entrenched
into these institution I don't know, but using it in the front line
(ATMs and Websites) is frankly suicidal.

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