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Re: Microsoft connections with Royal Bank of Canada

__/ [ alt ] on Sunday 25 June 2006 20:49 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> news:1305806.RMuBz5HZ8M@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> __/ [ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] on Sunday 25 June 2006 15:22 \__
>>> The Royal Bank of Canada invested millions in SCO during their
>>> anti-Linux lawsuit
>> This is a serious accusation. While the BoC may have had SCO UNIX in
>> their possession at the time,
> Please don't confuse the "Bank of Canada" with the "Royal Bank of Canada".
> The former is the Canadian equivalent of the US Treasury Department,
> responsible for managing the country's currency; the latter is a Banking
> institution.

Oops.   Thanks  for  the  correction;  and  sorry  about  my
statement.  I  can  think of the Royal Bank of  Scotland  as
somewhat  of an equivelent. Which reminds me of an  on-topic

I  am  with National Westminster, but the  Netcraft  toolbar
always reminds me that online banking is hosted by or shared
with  the  Royal  Bank of Scotland. Last week  there  was  a
downtime  that  lasted  2-3 days! No banking for  that  long
period  of  time. National Westminster's main Web  site  was
down,  affecting millions of customers. Their online banking
domain  (NWOLB) was down as well. RBoS likewise. Oh, yeah...
and they use Windows servers (with SSL).

Maybe  if the RBoC paid less (or none) money to SCO, my bank
would  have  been more *nix-friendly. Until 4-5  years  ago,
online  banking  was still available only to MSIE,  IIRC.  A
world  where  large government-bound corporation  antagonise
choice and F/freedom...

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Bring home the world cup, England!
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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