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Re: site operator working again?

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> I noticed the same thing. Oddly enough, pages that Google restored from
> the
> 'graveyard' have their page content appended to the title. Very, very
> strange. It's like they did a lossy recovery.

> Best wishes,

No sign of recovery on my sites. But then, again, most my sites have
hyphen in the domain name and I can see how Google becomes paranoid about
spam and puts everyone that fits some stupid metric into one bin (trash) -
spammers or not - who at Google cares or has time to find out?

I've also seen weird titles. And you know what? I only see them when I add
"widgets" to my 'site:' searches  ;-)

Or, and another oddity: it looks like Google has a quota for number of
pages they allow indexed from one of my site. Here is how it works: a
500,000+ site has roughly about 700 pages indexed. Give or take 20 but
pretty stable since late March. Today I see 680 and some of three week old
pages just popped up. It means that some old ones had to fall off. Traffic
is actually down, so they must have chosen to drop my PR2-3-4 pages in
favor of brand new PR0 ones? Way to go, Google!

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