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Re: Hollywood OS wars

  • Subject: Re: Hollywood OS wars
  • From: "Mathew P." <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:06:04 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: unorganized
  • References: <493xiryw.739xyyp@rooftop.invalid> <slrne0nksj.tk2.aznomad@ip70-176-155-130.ph.ph.cox.net> <8uOdnf020v0zRpbZnZ2dnUVZ_s6dnZ2d@comcast.com> <dugmq8$1e0g$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk>
  • User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1088003
Hash: SHA1

On 2006-03-06, Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
> __/ [ Malware Magnet ] on Monday 06 March 2006 06:50 \__
>> AZ Nomad wrote:
>>> On 6 Mar 2006 05:40:23 GMT, owl <owl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>Linux and Windows both win.
>>>>Best Documentary Feature:
>>>>March of the Penguins
>>>>Best Picture:
> I was actually thinking Terminator. "Hasta la Vista, Billy".
>>> who gives a shit about what holywood has to say about operating system?
> Hollywood is trying the balance at O/S market at times, much as they do with
> race. I have seen film and series where use of Windows and Mac OS is shown
> alternately. I refuse to believe it's merely a coincidence and I would not
> be surprised if money funnelling for airtime was involved.
>>> they can't even show a computer without christmas lights and which doesn't
>>> put up text at 30 baud with card punch noises.
>>> Hollywood just can't figure out how to show somebody using a computer in a
>>> slightly realistic manner.
> Realistic to /you/? I know exactly what you mean, but I happen to see many
> others who use computers in "a slightly unrealistic manner". It's a matter
> of perception.
>> lol... indeed. I've always noticed, in both movies and TV shows, when they
>> show someone using a computer - that person is almost *always* typing
>> (loudly) on the keyboard. Experience would indicate that most computer
>> users use the mouse.

Yes. I for one, love that about good keyboards. In the old days they used
to call it tactile feedback, and I think that's a good name for it.
It's one of the (many) things that I love about Macs: the keyboards have
a firm snappy feel to them. There are few things I dislike more in the
user input arena than a cheap mushy keyboard. One thing I loved about the
original IBM PC was the loud, firm, keyboard. It definetly gave a sense
of tactile feedback.

As for the mouse. That really depends on the user. Many users simply 
couldn't imagine using anything else, even though many good
input devices exist. Personally I like tracballs when using a GUI. I prefer
the command line, and non-gui applications for speed and incredible
customization. Many people do, many do not. It's a matter of preference.

> Very true.
>> This is akin to the "tire screeching" sound while the big car chase scene
>> is on a dirt road.
> How about those scenes where people's bodies are thrown aback when they get
> shot? The bullet most likely pierces the body and fails to force movement on
> a 150 pound torso. Yet, it intensified the action, I guess.
> Roy

Typically, depending on caliber, a bullet will make a very small entrance wound 
and a *very* large exit wound. This is assuming that it passes completely through
the body. If you have ever seen a .45 caliber round fired into ballistic gel, you can
get an idea of the kinetic force delivered on impact. In addion, most rounds
are designed to expand and fragment on impact increasing the affect, which is why
ballistic Gel is only an approximation of damage to a real body. At any rate, I 
agree that hollywood exadurates the effect (dramatic licence) for the sake of drama.
All that said, it is not unlikely that a bullet inpact will knock the victim backward
before dropping him. Now if we are talking about a high velocity jacketed round.......
oh, never mind. I can only go off topic so far in one sitting :)

Just some fun chatter,


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