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Re: choosing an editor. Convergence

  • Subject: Re: choosing an editor. Convergence
  • From: GT <rafat@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 00:13:37 +0100
  • Newsgroups: alt.html
  • Organization: les newsgroups par Wanadoo
  • References: <440a8ac6$0$19683$8fcfb975@news.wanadoo.fr> <dueg2g$2fvi$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <440af471$0$20172$8fcfb975@news.wanadoo.fr> <duf4bi$2l5o$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <HOSdnRxct-Ir15bZRVnyiQ@eclipse.net.uk>
  • User-agent: KNode/0.9.2
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.html:313968
Right, so let's see :
in terms of tools : any text editor is sufficient (just like for prog dev, which it is
in fact). need to know internet related web-building languages. well this will get
done as the site progresses.

so, other tools with built-in help (screem seems appropriate) provide stumbling
blocks  / questions in a natural manner (as the site is built) to direct learning
process. since the site was originally made from wysiwyg tools it is not really
difficult to "rectify" it since the code is what we work on.

language-learning follows as a natural consequence.

now, this CMS thing seems kind of interwoven with the above. according to what google
gives me, sounds like a piece of soft. Plume.
well, let's get to know each other, shall we dance ?

Thanks to all. It's been an education!


Jim Higson wrote:

>> To  address  each  point in turn, Kate does *not*  provide  shortcuts  and
>> macros  for  HTML,
> There are some plugins, which can be used for HTML. The plugins are "XML
> completion", "XML checker" (in case you're doing XHTML) and "HTML Tools".
> I'm using Kate 3.4 (even though I have KDE 3.5). In Debian/Ubuntu they are
> provided by the kate-plugins package.
>> but it highlights syntax using colours, which  will  be
>> helpful if you are fluent at HTML mark-up.
>> If  you  work  on your pages over FTP, be sure to open the files  in  Kon-
>> queror.  It will copy the file/s opened to /tmp locally and toss them back
>> onto  the server (in the background) whenever you save them. Give it a  go
>> and you will see what I mean. It's a productivity tool that Windows XP and
>> Mac  OSX users can only ever eye with envy. The filetypes and applications
>> used are arbitrary.
> I completely agree!
>> As  regards  the question on desktop environments, I use GNOME quite  fre-
>> quently,  but I would not describe it as suitable for development (Web de-
>> velopment  included) or editing as KDE, assuming 'out of the box' GTK  ap-
>> plications versus QT applications.
>> I have personally used LyX as a front-end to LaTeX since 2001. I know Kile
>> as  well  and I admire its cause (confer JabRef as well). As in  the  case
>> with  most technical toolsets, there is no guarantee that you will be able
>> to  escape  from lower-level, more pertinent aspects of the tool. I  still
>> use raw LaTeX for publications and, most likely, you will need to know raw
>> HTML  in  order to mend browser anomalies and implement browser hacks.  To
>> use  an  analogy: What happens when you are served with a strict TeX  tem-
>> plate?  This  is the equivalent of importing HTML/PHP/CGI/other pages  and
>> learning from existing ones.
>> I  suggest  you do some reading on the subject of content management  sys-
>> tems.  Based on the questions asked, you have misconceptions. A CMS is the
>> best  bar none tool for development of sites, in my humble opinion. It de-
>> pends  on  the nature of the site, of course, but for most personal  sites
>> (not  service-driven),  a CMS is the only way to go. Anyone  who  confutes
>> this  is  most likely showing resistance to an unknown and trying to  push
>> away and suppress novelty.
> Agreed again (personally I like Drupal, but it depends on the site)
>> As a WordPress contributer, I urge you to make that a choice for your ren-
>> ovated  site.  It  is very intuitive and possible to master within  a  few
>> days.

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