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Re: Goobuntu Clarifications

__/ [ flatfish+++ ] on Saturday 11 March 2006 19:14 \__

> On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 18:08:15 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> http://www.zdnetindia.com/news/business/stories/134984.html
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | A Google spokesperson has dismissed rumors that
>> | it will distribute its own version of Ubuntu Linux.
>> `----
>> Recap: Google use Debian on their servers /and/ desktop. Don't /you/?
>> Linux, once customised, is so powerful, so Google don't want you to have
>> it.

Phrasing above is quite infantile. I posted in haste, so apologies. Here is a
useful pointer:


,----[ Quote ]
| Goobuntu is our internal desktop distribution. It's awesome, but we're not
| going to be releasing it. Unless you work here it wouldn't work anyway. If
| you haven't tried ubuntu, you should, I have the regular one running on my
| laptop and it really is fantastic. I'd say it was debian done right if I
| wanted to start a debian flame war. Also, know that Google getting into the
| Red Hat business would be kind of dumb, and it would distract from our moon
| teleporter and cold fusion [google.com] projects

> Evidently they don't want Linux users to have Google Earth either.
> http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html

They will port. Dibona told me so and the Picasa port is subsequent proof.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Software sucks. Open Source sucks less."
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