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Re: IBM to Make Over 50 Billion Dollars Off Linux

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> Linux a lovely little earner for IBM
> http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/0/9C85E113E60B16B4CC25712D0010E126?OpenDocument
> | IBM?s business built around Linux was worth US$16 billion
> | last year and is projected to be worth more than US$50 billion,
> | says the company?s global head of public sector Linux sales,
> | Mary Ann Fisher.


   She is emphatic about IBMs commitment to Linux in particular
   and open source generally. 'We have 15,000 engineers dedicated
   to Linux, and 10,000 services people. There are 30,000 staff running
   a Linux pilot on the desktop.'

Q:  Why does a GNU/Linux user compile his kernel?
A:  Because he can.

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