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Re: British Government Demands Open Source

__/ [ Jim ] on Friday 17 March 2006 11:53 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> UK government demands open source for US jet fighter
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The UK Government has told the US that it will cancel its $12bn order
>> | for Joint Strike Fighter unless it is given the complete source code for
>> | the aircraft's computer system.
>> `----
> laffin' my arse off.
> not so much considering that the system is a RTOS, but then Microsoft
> doesn't do RTOS (are they even capable?). That's a pure UNIX thing.

I think they are trying, but a FUD campaign has not yet begun.


It is odd that Windows CE, as troubled and unstable is it is, was considered
for the task of serving real-time applications. The damn think cannot even
serve personal information management needs without occasionally crashing.

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