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Re: Google sued

__/ [ Big Bill ] on Sunday 19 March 2006 21:52 \__

> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 19:57:01 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>__/ [ canadafred ] on Sunday 19 March 2006 17:49 \__
>>> "Big Bill" <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:i82r121ercq6ov9v49l5eg9efq4je0goo3@xxxxxxxxxx
>>> <snip>
>>>> The problem Google has is that if it catches a big well-known company,
>>>> someone with the stature of a world-renowned brand, spamming then it
>>>> can't ban it for any effective length of time without diverting people
>>>> who might reasonably be expected to be searching for it in quantity to
>>>> go instead searching for it to other engines. While they're there they
>>>> may well find themselves searching for other things too and end up
>>>> liking it so much they stay there.
>>> <snip>
>>Long (and insightful) post! *smile*
> Thanks but it isn't anything I haven't posted before. I'm in
> thoughtful mode today because I did a long article from start to
> finish and got it submitted too.

Well, here's to more of the same!



I mean "Roy".

Roy S. Schestowitz
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