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CSPP Stats: 16/04/2006-02/05/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of roughly 15 days

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "CSPP Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "CSPP Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 322 messages written between 2006-04-16 01:11:10 and
2006-05-02 06:29:29

Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. JoeJoe <no@xxxxxxxx>                                          6  74.32%
   2. Bill Marcum <bmarcum@xxxxxxxxx>                               3  68.73%
   3. Burnt@ut <Burnt@xxxxxx>                                       3  68.07%
   4. Guy Bannis <guy@xxxxxxxxx>                                    7  65.82%
   5. Dekaritae <dekaritae@xxxxxxxxx>                               5  64.91%
   6. C.Joseph Drayton <cjoseph.drayton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             3  59.18%
   7. DervMan <dervman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                3  57.14%
   8. Thorbjorn Sundboe <enoughcrap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 3  55.77%
   9. Harry Eugene Ly <consumers-get-bad-service@big-f*-companie    3  55.15%
  10. Ian Stirling <root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         4  55.09%
  11. ANTant@xxxxxxxxxx                                            16  52.70%
  12. Galley <Galley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    5  48.70%
  13. me@xxxxxxxxxxx                                               16  47.60%
  14. Tinman <mlynch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         16  46.92%
  15. Sandy Foster <invalid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        3  43.79%

A total of 354415 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 139652,
or 39.40%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Tinman <mlynch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 16    50222  46.9%
      ANTant@xxxxxxxxxx                                    16    29549  52.7%
      me@xxxxxxxxxxx                                       16     4926  47.6%
   4. Jeffrey Kaplan <cspp@xxxxxxxxxx>                     13    24877  37.5%
   5. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         11    22667  29.8%
      AaronJ <noemail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         11    10735  27.9%
   7. dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                             10     6545  37.7%
   8. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           9    12429  18.3%
   9. Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                                 8     6287  36.4%
  10. Guy Bannis <guy@xxxxxxxxx>                            7     4643  65.8%
      Gil Baron <w0mn00@xxxxxxxxx>                          7     3012  25.8%
  12. JoeJoe <no@xxxxxxxx>                                  6    11478  74.3%
  13. LF <fieman@xxxxxxxxx>                                 5     3550
      Dekaritae <dekaritae@xxxxxxxxx>                       5     2759  64.9%
      Galley <Galley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            5     2542  48.7%

A total of 125 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. woodcock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx               10166 /    4 =  2541  39.3%
   2. Tinman <mlynch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        26660 /   16 =  1666  46.9%
   3. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 15905 /   11 =  1445  29.8%
   4. Laurent Bugnion <lbugnion@xxxxxxxxxx>        5597 /    4 =  1399  19.3%
   5. Jeffrey Kaplan <cspp@xxxxxxxxxx>            15537 /   13 =  1195  37.5%
   6. C.Joseph Drayton <cjoseph.drayton@mindsprin  3470 /    3 =  1156  59.2%
   7. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10160 /    9 =  1128  18.3%
   8. ANTant@xxxxxxxxxx                           13978 /   16 =   873  52.7%
   9. LF <fieman@xxxxxxxxx>                        3550 /    5 =   710
  10. AaronJ <noemail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 7741 /   11 =   703  27.9%
  11. Paul Nevai <nevai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       2749 /    4 =   687  13.0%
  12. Harlan Lachman <hlachman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  2058 /    3 =   686  30.6%
  13. DervMan <dervman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>               1666 /    3 =   555  57.1%
  14. Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                        4001 /    8 =   500  36.4%
  15. JoeJoe <no@xxxxxxxx>                         2948 /    6 =   491  74.3%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. How come Treo no wifi!!!                                     47   50618
   2. Why do Palm digitizers break?                                33   24190
   3. Start Hotsync using the desktop                              16   17089
   4. FatalException in VersaMail v2.5.1                           15   14441
   5. How stable is the LifeDrive?                                 13   20806
   6. Which Treo/PDA to get after Palm M515 and Tungsten C?        10   30882
   7. Why are Palm fonts so ugly?                                   9    9535
      Beaming under linux. (handspring visor)                       9    8347
   9. New Yanoff: worst Palm app ever? (was: How come Treo no w     8   44693
      Problems with Yahoo, Intellisync and Hotsync                  8    7582
      SD Card brocken lock switch                                   8    4508
  12. Read web pages on Palm IIIxe?                                 7    5794
      Opening the Zire 72 to replace battery                        7    4088
  14. How to speed up LifeDrive?                                    6    4255
  15. Treo Wireless Headset, MP3 + Mic / Phone                      5    2854

A total of 75 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. Forte Agent                            71
       1.91/32.564:11 2.0/32.652:18 3.0/32.763:2 3.1/32.783:15 3.3/32.846:24
   2. G2                                     66
   3. Microsoft Outlook Express              35
       6.00.2800.1437:1 6.00.2800.1807:4 6.00.2900.2180:1 6.00.2900.2869:29
   4. tin                                    20
       1.7.10-20050929:4 1.8.1-20060215:16
   5. MT-NewsWatcher                         18
   6. KNode                                  14
       0.10.1:1 0.7.2:11 0.7.7:1 0.9.1:1
   7. slrn                                   13
   8. Mozilla                                12
   9. Gnus                                    7
       5.09:4 5.1007:1 5.11:1 5.110004:1
  10. Yanoff+                                 6
  11. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2               5
      Opera M2/8.54                           5
      Thunderbird                     5
  14. Pan                                     4
      trn 4.0-test72                          4

A total of 38 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       69 ************************************************************
Tuesday      55 ***********************************************
Wednesday    53 **********************************************
Thursday     31 **************************
Friday       22 *******************
Saturday     44 **************************************
Sunday       48 *****************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059    17 ******************************************
0100-0159    15 *************************************
0200-0259     2 *****
0300-0359     6 ***************
0400-0459     9 **********************
0500-0559     1 **
0600-0659     7 *****************
0700-0759    19 ***********************************************
0800-0859    13 ********************************
0900-0959    24 ************************************************************
1000-1059    11 ***************************
1100-1159    12 ******************************
1200-1259    21 ****************************************************
1300-1359    10 *************************
1400-1459    24 ************************************************************
1500-1559    16 ****************************************
1600-1659    14 ***********************************
1700-1759    12 ******************************
1800-1859    17 ******************************************
1900-1959    12 ******************************
2000-2059    16 ****************************************
2100-2159    16 ****************************************
2200-2259    10 *************************
2300-2359    18 *********************************************


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