Stats alt.os.linux (last 7 days)
Top 10 posters for the period:
rank posts kbytes name address
1 16 44.8 Roy Schestowitz newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2 16 31.2 heavytull heavytull@xxxxxxxxxxx
3 14 43.2 Bit Twister BitTwister@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4 14 26.3 Sybren Stuvel sybrenUSE@YOURthirdtower.
5 8 18.0 JDS jeffrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
6 7 14.8 BlackTopBum going.vert@xxxxxxxx
7 7 14.1 Notgiven notreallyme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
8 6 16.3 Chris F.A. Johnson cfajohnson@xxxxxxxxx
9 5 16.7 Fastfla \(flapane\) hub@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
10 5 14.7 Michael Heiming michael+USENET@xxxxxxxxxx
--- -----
98 240.2 Total for top 10
Totals for the newsgroup:
59 posters
182 articles
441.4 kbytes
The top 10 accounted for:
16.9% of the posters
53.8% of the articles
54.4% of the bytes
3.1 articles / poster
2.4 kbytes / article
7.5 kbytes / poster
30 people posted for the first time this period.
They went on to post 51 articles altogether
The new posters accounted for:
50.8% of the posters
28.0% of the articles
24.8% of the bytes
Top 10 subjects for the period:
posts kbytes subject
31 103.0 A new reader? Welcome to alt.os.linux, read this first if you'r
26 57.5 knode uploaded articles dates
15 33.9 installing and uninstalling on Linux
13 27.3 HELP PLEASE :-(
12 43.4 LILO booting off second IDE disk
11 21.8 need easy-to-install compiler - can not "./configure && make"
8 12.1 performance monitoring
7 21.2 latest ati drier and 2.6.16 on amd64 COMPILE ERROR
7 14.6 Question About Switching UIDs
6 11.3 installing and uninstalling on Linux [OT]
182 articles on 27 subjects
161 were followups (88.5%)
13 were crossposts (7.1%)
440.9 kbytes total
headers: 222.1kb 50.4%
quoted text: 86.7kb 19.7%
original text: 117.2kb 26.6%
signatures: 14.9kb 3.4%
6.7 articles / subject
2.4 kbytes / article
16.3 kbytes / subject
Postings per weekday:
Day posts
Monday 17 *
Tuesday 22 **
Wednesday 44 ****
Thursday 37 ***
Friday 33 ***
Saturday 9
Sunday 20 **
(*=10 posts)
Top 10 Newsreader used (accumulated):
posts newsreader user
53 (29.1%) slrn 12 20.3%
32 (17.6%) knode 6 10.2%
25 (13.7%) g2 8 13.6%
18 (9.9%) pan 7 11.9%
16 (8.8%) microsoft 5 8.5%
14 (7.7%) thunderbird 8 13.6%
9 (4.9%) mozilla 6 10.2%
4 (2.2%) xnews 1 1.7%
4 (2.2%) tin 1 1.7%
2 (1.1%) post-direct 1 1.7%
14 different newsreader have been used (versions unaccounted).
Please, take the stats with a dash of salt,
quantity might not always imply quality.
Have a lot of fun...