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Re: Upper case - lower case different for you?

__/ [ invalid@xxxxxxxxxxx ] on Sunday 21 May 2006 08:26 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> in
> news:1969992.XOriodGQKq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> __/ [ Paul B ] on Sunday 21 May 2006 00:44 \__
>>> On Sat, 20 May 2006 21:51:48 +0100, "T.J." <no1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>"Paul B" <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>>> On Sat, 20 May 2006 21:38:35 +0100, "T.J." <no1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>again refresh to see if results stay the same
>>>>>>I'm currently getting different results depending
>>>>>>on whether I use upper or lower case.
>>>>> Not tried, but what sounds like is happening is, when you refresh,
>>>>> you are hitting a different DC. And the DC's are rarely in sync.
>> Just dive into a specific IP address, e.g.:
>> where I see the following:
>> Saving each SERP as a page (search.html and search2.html)
>> -rw-r--r--    1 roy      users      144592 2006-05-21 05:53 search.htm
>> -rw-r--r--    1 roy      users      144508 2006-05-21 05:54
>> search2.html
>> Taking the diff(erence) of the two gives me a big mess that I can't
>> interpret, let alone paste here (it's a beast!).
>>>>That is what I thought at first, but it is doing it every
>>>>time. Strangely it is only doing it in IE and not in FF
>>>>Makes me wonder if it is cache related
>> Could be cookie-related, as well. Google filed a patent (*gasp*) for
>> cookie-based delivery of results some months ago. Whether they are
>> using it, I can't tell. The datacentres can somehow mask its effect or
>> existence. The gist of it: search for a lot of stuff on biology and
>> then get results for 'bullfrog' that are not related to the company
>> which goes by that name.
> ehhh. now i'm recalling something odd i thought i've noticed at least twice
> (all/both since late 2005?). i'd been editing ,and submitting searchphrase
> variations. unsatisfied at some point, i brashly edit *out* a critical
> term. yet that term still shows *bolded* in the result synopses! (if i
> notice this again, i'll have to remember to screensho(o)t it.)
> and AKAIK, i haven't accidentally allowed google cookies, since as general
> philosophy, i blocked them long ago.
> <snip />

Worked a treat, before I joined AdSense in 2004. As they expand, this might
lead to problems.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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