In article <20061102131046.4cb1281a@ed-desktop>, ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> On Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:38:19 +0000
> BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > You know I like to see some of your posts, but do you think that 72
> > posts might be a little over zealous? Remember that many of us also
> > have our own favourite Linux/Computer news sites so we don't really
> > need to see everything that has the word 'Linux' in it. Just things
> > that are of particular importance in some area would do.
> wrong. this is everyone's favourite linux news source, please adjust
> your preferences list.
The readers at would disagree. Of the last 656 stories Roy
has submitted there, *1* has been good enough to make it to the front
page. I wonder if Netscape pays for every submission, or only the ones
that get a decent number of votes?
--Tim Smith