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[Different News] CIO jury: Is the Linux desktop dead? (YES)

On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 01:17:29 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Study: No Vista for majority of European businesses
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | More than half of European organizations have no plan to upgrade
> | to Windows Vista, according to a Forrester survey.
> `----
> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6135429.html

Same organisation, same author :


Linux is unlikely ever to be a viable alternative to Microsoft's Windows
 on the desktop for corporate IT departments, according to leading CIOs.

Just this week new research by the National Computing Centre (NCC) found
only one Linux desktop for every 300 currently running Windows XP in UK
organizations. Three-quarters of silicon.com's 12-strong CIO Jury backed
the view that the Linux desktop dream is dead.

BTW. These figures give linux 0.3% market share (yes, I know it's free in
some cases)

> Related:
> Forrester: Consumers won't rush to Vista
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Much has been made about the fact that businesses likely won't be in a
> | hurry to upgrade to Windows Vista. But a report by Forrester Research
> | Inc. suggests consumers won't stampede to purchase the new OS either.
> `----
> http://www.itworld.com/Comp/2218/061109vistarush/index.html
> Vinenna has begun deploying Linux, according to a press release that was
> published this morning.

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