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[News] Linux Keeps Users Involved and Informed

Have a look at this Ubuntu tracker (standard Wiki feature). This probably
goes well beyond Bugzilla/Mosquito/Trac.


Related Ubuntu articles/essays:

Ubuntu should reconsider

,----[ Quote ]
| First they start shipping non-free software by default, then the edgy
| upgrade turns into a disaster and now I read about plans for including
| more non-free software and a 3D desktop by default in feisty (the next
| Ubuntu after edgy). To be honest, ever since I've seen the Feisty Fawn
| announcement I've been wondering what does the focus on "multimedia
| enablement and desktop effects" imply, the basic suspicion being
| will it include more non-free software by default?


Why I finally switched to Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| This gets way more interesting, simply because it's really an
| eye-catcher, it works smoothly and looks beautiful. There might
| ways to get similar functionalities in Windows, but the software
| probably costs 300 bucks, and would certainly have less tweaks
| and stuff. So what's the bottom-line? If we can show people thisk
| ind of stuff, maybe they could be convinced to switch to Linux.
| And the world would be a better place.



How To Triple Boot (XP, Vista, Ubuntu) With Single Boot Screen

,----[ Quote ]
| Since Ubuntu 6.10 was release less than a month ago, Windows Vista
| went RTM and dates for new Ubuntu 7.4 were announced today, I thought
| I'll post a tutorial on how to create a single boot screen triple
| boot system with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Ubuntu Edgy Eft.


Customizing Your Ubuntu Linux Desktop (or Making Your World Your Own)

,----[ Quote ]
| I Am Sovereign of All I Survey . . .
| As I've already mentioned, working in the Linux world is working in a 
| multiuser world. This means that everyone who uses your computer can have 
| his or her own unique environment. 


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