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Re: [News] Speculation: Microsoft Will Sell Linux

On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 21:16:01 +0000, Handover Phist wrote:

> On 2006-11-13, Ian Semmel <isemmelNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Microsoft will probably start selling/distributing linux soon
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | My thought process finally took me to the one place I didn't want to
>>> | go... Its the thought that Microsoft will soon bundle Suse linux with
>>> | one of its own products.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.royans.net/rant/2006/11/13/microsoft-will-probably-start-sellingdistributing-linux-soon/
>>> Microsoft already uses Linux 'in house'. SUSE could be its path to suing
>>> (unsuccessfuly, of course) others without jeopardising itself (shooting self
>>> in foot).
>> The subject lines of these rss feed entries which you insist on cluttering up 
>> this newsgroup with should really be something like [Opinion of Royans K 
>> Tharakan] or whoever you are quoting.
>> It is NOT news.
> The [News] tags are there and consistant as a service. They make the
> news posts plonkable.

Yes. I am trying out Pan at the moment, but on Thunderbird, I filter out
all messages starting with [News] and then you only get those which have
been replied to.

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