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Re: Vista adoption to outpace Windows XP, says paid bullshitter

  • Subject: Re: Vista adoption to outpace Windows XP, says paid bullshitter
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 18:34:59 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / Netscape
  • References: <1164904695.326613.204090@16g2000cwy.googlegroups.com> <4t8l69F12r4saU1@mid.individual.net>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ B Gruff ] on Thursday 30 November 2006 18:10 \__

> On Thursday 30 November 2006 16:38 responsiblegunowner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Sumner Lemon, IDG News Service, Singapore Bureau
>> Adoption of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Vista operating system will
>> happen at a faster pace than any previous operating system release, a
>> software analyst predicted last week.
>> Up to 15 percent of PC users will move to Vista within the first year
>> that the operating system is available, said David Mitchell, the
>> software practice leader at Ovum Ltd. "That would make it the
>> fastest-moving operating system ever," he said.
>> By comparison, between 12 to 14 percent of users switched to Windows XP
>> during the first year of its release, Mitchell said.
>> http://www.itworld.com/Comp/2218/061127vista/index.html
>> That has got planted story written all over it.
> So let me see....
> If there are about 900,000,000 PCs in the world.....
> ... and if annual sales are about 150,000,000?
> .... and if (through various business practices) say nearly all
>        of those ship with an MS OS
> .... and the choice of MS OS is Vista or Vista.....
> .... then 15% seems a very realistic figure?
> I notice that it says "adoption" rather than "change to".
> I'd be really interested to see figures for how many people actually go out
> and *buy* Vista, rather than a PC *with* Vista....

That article, just like the one in The Reg, refers to a _SINGLE_ study from
the Ovum group, _whoever_ they are and _whatever_ their reputation is (never
heard of them before). Compare that with the reputation of Forrester, for

Forrester: Consumers won't rush to Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Much has been made about the fact that businesses likely won't be
| in a hurry to upgrade to Windows Vista. But a report by Forrester
| Research Inc. suggests consumers won't stampede to purchase the
| new OS either.


I studied Ovum yesterday because their analysis deviates greatly from
anything which other analysts, even Gartner that's Windows-inclined, had to
say. I thought that the size of Ovum could make it a prime target for
payoffs (under the table, of course) that bring the limelight to groups such
as Yankee and Frost & Sullivan, among other. Microsoft buys their services
(MS-commissioned) to conduct 'studies' that will lead to the desired
conclusion and then be plastered on Microsoft's Web site (e.g. "Get the
fact" anti-Linux crusade). Then, Microsoft spends millions buying links
(e.g. AdWords for 'linux' searches) and boosting the exposure of the studies
which they _bought_. They hope this can hide all the /real/ studies, such as
IBM's TCO studies, which no-one will spend millions on boosting (Linux is
not-for-profit, remember?)



Microsoft house... since 2000. Boy, do they love Microsoft products! Even on
the servers, OMG (with all the highly critical unpatched flaws).
Hypothetical: "Gee, I hope that Linux thing never catches on, or else we'd
have to turn the place upside-down".

Other commissioned study that is recent:

Vista launch to add 100,000 Europe IT jobs: study

,----[ Quote ]
| The study, conducted by research firm IDC and commissioned by Microsoft,
| said Windows Vista will be installed on over 30 million personal computers
| in Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Spain and United Kingdom within the
| first year of shipment.



IDC pronounces Linux unimportant to European economy 


I think IDC was also behind /this/ one:


,----[ Quote ]
| In 2001, the Los Angeles Times accused Microsoft of astroturfing
| when hundreds of similar letters were sent to newspapers voicing
| disagreement with the United States Department of Justice and its
| antitrust suit against Microsoft. The letters, prepared by Americans
| for Technology Leadership, had in some cases been mailed from
| deceased citizens or nonexistent addresses.


        Microsoft Supported by Dead People  

Oh, actually it appears to be a different pressure group...


        Report: Phony 'Grassroots' Campaign Orchestrated by Microsoft


        Report: Microsoft funded 'grass roots' campaign

Microsoft: they do it best (not software).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Double your drive space - delete Windows"
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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