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Re: [News] Review of MythTV

On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 18:04:05 +0100, Hadron Quark wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Linux as a Media Centre
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | As far as comparing Mythtv to Windows Media Centre, there is really |
>> no comparison, Mythtv is in a class of its own and puts WMC to shame |
>> in almost every department possible. This is the sort of application |
>> that could introduce Linux to many new users and households. Well done
>> | Isaac and the rest of the team, keep up the good work. `----
>> http://www.linuxforums.org/multimedia/linux_as_a_media_centre.html?
> Some quotes:
> ,----
> | The Linux Desktop 'revolution' that many of us have been hoping and |
> lobbying for may not come about the way we expected, but we are an |
> adaptable crowd and this is the point of my article. Adaptability. `----
> ,----
> | Without a strong enough reason to change to Linux people aren't. If
> only | there were applications that people really wanted that were
> exclusive to | Linux.
> `----
> ,----
> | Plan A - After some initial reading I decided to install Via Apt, the
> | Debian package manager, on to the installation of Debian Sarge that
> was | already on the machine. But due to a circular dependency and
> various | other problems beyond the scope of this article that failed
> and I moved | to Plan B.
> `----
> ,----
> | Plan B - Plan B was to download and install Knoppmyth, a custom |
> distribution that automatically installs a trim Debian based media |
> centre running a recent version of Mythtv, with all the additional |
> modules available via apt, and a very basic Desktop environment |
> consisting of fluxbox and little else. |
> |
> | Plan B was a breeze and left me ruing the many hours spent on the |
> ill-fated Plan A.
> |
> `----
> To sum up : I was unable to install the bastard thing so had to install
> a dedicated distro. Yup. Distro hell once again.

Using KnoppMyth he got it installed without trouble.

> But the clincher, and it confirms everything I have said before about
> mythtv and OSS SW in general is this:
> ,----
> | All in all Mythtv is not suitable for beginners and probably never
> will | be unless someone with commercial interests gets involved, `----
> Priceless,

You missed out all the parts where he was hugely impressed by MythTV, and
considers it far above the Windows Media Centre in just about every way.
How dishonest of you.


"The text based installation of Knoppmyth would probably be enough to scare
off intrepid beginners but was reasonably straight forward, for anyone
with experience installing Linux, as was the post install configuration
which asked some basic questions about location, timezone and hardware.
Program listings can be problematic in many parts of the world, due to
changing sources and legal issues, but as I had installed a DVB card I
just set up the channels to pull the data from the DVB stream. Once I was
finished with the basic configuration I was dropped into a functional
Mythtv with basic Media players and live TV, a simple apt-get command
installed the remaining packages that I mentioned earlier.

Too easy, on to the fun stuff."


"As far as comparing Mythtv to Windows Media Centre, there is really no
comparison, Mythtv is in a class of its own and puts WMC to shame in
almost every department possible. This is the sort of application that
could introduce Linux to many new users and households. Well done Isaac
and the rest of the team, keep up the good work."


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