flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:52:45 +0100, B Gruff wrote:
>> YOU are either associated with (work for etc) CERN or you are not.
> Who cares?
> Why do you guys go on witch hunts all the time?
I was sceptical about some of your claims in the earlier days : but its
very apparent that some of the COLA gang have lost all touch with
reality. There is a big difference between questioning motives and
claims about Windows than openly accusing a major corporation of
purposely damaging peoples HW as Roy has claimed.
You will also notice that I have never claimed to work for CERN (even
though I have worked as a consultant for them in the past).
Why these nuts seem intent on bringing everything down to a personal
level is beyond me. One of my new sigs aptly demonstrates the COLA
You are a vile asshole, flatfish. : Peter KÃhlmann, COLA.