On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 19:42:20 +0100, B Gruff wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 October 2006 19:06 Hadron Quark wrote:
>> B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> On Tuesday 03 October 2006 17:59 Hadron Quark wrote:
>>>> We, or I maybe, asked for some common sense : list article headers and
>>>> the links to the original posts next to them.
>>> Feel free - go right ahead and do it.
>> Typical Linux advocate. Why do it once properly and easy to sue when we
>> can do it 20 times badly, and inefficiently and offer "choice"?
>> Give me one, on advantage over the way Mark has done it to the simple
>> "title : link" digest.
> No - *you* are the one mouthing off.
> - *you* are the one telling everybody how it "should" be done.
> - get on and do it - we are waiting.
> - we are also waiting for you list of the other approx. 4 "supporters" of
> Roy's news posts, together with your list of "oodles" of people opposed to
> them.
Don't be an idiot.
Of course all the Linux nutsacks are going to come crawling out of the
woodwork to say "I love Roy" just so they can respond to the trolls.
If asked anonymously if they REALLY like these 1000's of news posts
however, the results would be grossly different with very few actually
liking them.