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Re: Lesson for Rex Ballard: that's what's supposed to happen

  • Subject: Re: Lesson for Rex Ballard: that's what's supposed to happen
  • From: flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:00:00 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: mariana.trench
  • References: <C_DXg.61105$vX5.54836@bignews8.bellsouth.net> <R9NXg.34389$it4.4021@fe31.usenetserver.com> <MjNXg.43565$tT6.27930@bignews7.bellsouth.net> <MwNXg.20429$1l.11960@fe74.usenetserver.com> <1160751740.313640.308930@m7g2000cwm.googlegroups.com> <nvKdnXchQIQ2MrLYnZ2dnUVZ_t2dnZ2d@comcast.com> <hrOXg.43604$tT6.41966@bignews7.bellsouth.net>
  • User-agent: Shysterwitch version
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1167665
On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:40:04 -0400, DFS wrote:

> Linonut wrote:
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Larry Qualig belched out this bit o'
>> wisdom:
>>> Hmmmm - He's posting snippets of what Rex has put up on his own
>>> publically viewable web-site. Not much different from how Roy posts
>>> snippets and links to stuff on other web-sites. What laws exactly are
>>> being broken here?
>>> Did it ever occur to you that if Rex didn't want this info getting
>>> plastered out in the open then perhaps he shouldn't be placing it on
>>> his PUBLIC WEB SITE?????
>> Nonetheless, what DFS is doing is bad.  Luckily, it hurts his cause
>> more than Rex's.
> How is it "bad" to repost [and mock] public statements made by the "father" 
> of Linux, Java and the Internet?  You cola liars do it all the time w/ Steve 
> Ballmer or other MS people.
> It's very entertaining - and you damn well know it.  The guy's wacked-out 
> website is a gold mine of material.
> Only true "advocates" and hypocrites (ie nearly all of cola) don't find 
> Rex's absurd claims humiliating to the Linux community.  Erik Funkenbusch 
> gets savaged by 10 cola idiots every time he opens his mouth, but Rex's 
> totally outlandish claims about Linux and MS are NEVER challenged (except by 
> me and sometimes Larry Qualig).
> You guys claim to support "open standards" but you sure have no ethical 
> standards.

Very well put!

Roy Shysterwitch even carries on a dialog with Rex there by giving
credence to his idiocy.

Linux advocacy is dropping to a new low these days and the loopys need
everyone they can get on their side.
Even if the person is a nutter.

Oh well, I guess when in Rome do as the Romans do.

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