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Re: More Void Promises from Gates

BearItAll wrote:

> '... this is your software speaking, You do not appear to have an anti
> hijacker enabled please download one now. We are currently flying at 30,000
> feet. Would passengers please refrain from, there are unused passengers in
> the cabin would you like to move these to the cargo bay?,  closing the
> door, MS likes it open. Passengers please note that they should avoid the
> ham and pickle sandwiches due to the bugs in them. We are now coming in to
> land in NYC, 1000ft, there is a windows undate available , 500ft,
> installing update, 200ft, windows needs to restart. Under carriage down,
> oh, too late.'

Back around 1983, my office partner and I joked like this about Unix
running airplanes ...

* OK, landing gears down.
* Why is nothing happening?
* Give the command again.
* Landing gears down.
* Still nothing.
* Try "sync"
* Alright, now they are down.

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