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Re: PS3 and Linux

On Sunday 22 October 2006 22:56 Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Not many people will wish to install additional packages. Maybe I should
> get a PS3 myself... I have this large TV set that I never used. Still,
> can't beat a brand-new Linux box for under 150 quid (SUSE included). It
> makes everything including the Wii seem pricey.

So I buy one of these things (PS3) and get a Games Machine (capitals
intended) for the grand-kids.  When They aren't here, I have an additional
computer in the living room, except that it has an enormous screen (say 40"
HD LCD), and looks like a wireless K/B, which is kept on the shelf of the
coffee table?

Tell me again how Linux is useless for games, has no titles, and gamers have
to have a Windows box.....?:-)

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