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[News] Microsoft 'Netscapes' Security Vendors, Gets Excuse

Microsoft will take years to open Vista kernel: analyst

,----[ Quote ]
| The two leading security vendors are up in arms, with
| market number two McAfee saying Microsoft has no
| intention of keeping publicly made promises to make
| two key changes to the Vista operating system so
| third party security vendors can compete. Meanwhile
| a Gartner analyst says that it will take Microsoft
| years to implement the changes requested anyway.


So, the kernel was open when Windows needed to be saved
by other vendors. Now that they cut into OneCare's share,
it's "hasta la Vista"... similar to Netscape and the
Internet, ain't it?

"IE cannot be removed from the body of the operating system".

"Thanks very much, but we'll take it from here"...

Or "take /over/ it"...

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