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Re: [News] Neil McAllister: "There is no stopping the open-source movement now"

On 2006-09-10, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:

> I feel a little guilty when I realise that trolls reply to my posts. I
> killfiled them so I don't have to spend time reading any tripe. But judging
> by followups from Linux advocates, they still bother to speak up...
> sometimes to the walls, evidently. Roy C's stats help discover parallel
> universe where trolls initiate threads with anti-Linux titles and are
> apparently very active.

I enjoy coming home from a hard day's work, seeing 307 new posts,
entering the group and finding 143 left. I know:

a) Most of those were trolls. At least 99% are trolls in my filters. In
fact, 60% of that are probably Flathead fooling s/h/itself into
believing nobody will know it's s/h/it.

b) I haven't missed anything important. I won't even have to bother
reading the same things that I was reading earlier this year, last
year, the year before that, etc. If somebody ever comes up with some
lies that aren't just rehashed fraud, or, worse, Kitty-Kitty Man's
brand of sophisticated 7-year-old child levity, it'll be so striking
that a thread will certainly evolve that I won't be able to overlook.

Whip me. Beat me. Windows ME(tm).

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