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__/ [ William Poaster ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 17:08 \__

> This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on  Sun, 10 Sep 2006
> 16:25:23 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ ed ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 16:22 \__
>>> On Sun, 10 Sep 2006 15:10:53 GMT
>>> yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx) wrote:
>>>> Yes indeed.  Because some guy named ed can help the AOL empire make
>>>> more money.
>>>> Hey AOL, listen to ed over here.
>>> They wouldn't make money, they'd just be more accessible.
>> I suspect that GAIM has already bridged that gap, whether they used data
>> from inside AOL (counter to interests of the outshined homebred AIM for
>> Linux) or reused some bits of code from SourceForge. Either way, Google
>> nicked the lead developer of GAIM. *sob* But all the code is there for
>> forking. Kopete likewise.
> I'm using GAIM on SuSE 10.1, KDE 3.5.4. Installed without a hitch, works
> absolutely fine. :-)

Why wouldn't it? Everything works in SUSE.

It is sad that wildly-crossposted flames from Microsoft shills leave people
under the impression that Linux might not work, Can you imagine the impact
of Linux advocates walking among a more Windows-oriented crowd (e.g.
uk.comp.*) and yelling out about viruses, DLL hell, slow reboots, software
bugs, zombies, spyware, slow networking, DDOS attacks, and SPAM? Oddly
enough, despite the fact that uk.comp.* is accommodated with more Linux
users than ever (I can tell the difference as I was there in 2003), no-one
/loudly/ criticises Windows. More surprisingly to some, I often find myself
with a Linux crowd there, defending/recommending Linux. Palm newsgroups
likewise. It's almost as thought one in 5 UseNetters has Linux, at least on
a partition.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Seeing bad movies only encourages them"
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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