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[News] Microsoft Charges Customers for Windows Bugfixes! (Not OneCare)

Sorry, but you must call Microsoft to fix link glitch under IE

,----[ Quote ]
| Dear Nick: Why does my computer seem to lock up whenever it tries to open
| a new link? For instance, I tried to open your profile from RNews, but
| instead I received the "Not responding" message and my computer sat there
| doing nothing for about a minute before it recovered and stayed at the
| RNews page from which I started. I cannot open a new link from anywhere I
| go. Help! Frustrated ...
| Answer: I'm going to assume, Craig, that you're running Windows. More,
| I'm going to assume that you're running Windows XP. I'm also going to
| assume that you're still running Internet Explorer.
| Why would I make these assumptions? Because this is a known problem under
| Windows XP with Internet Explorer, and there's even a hotfix out for it!
| Unfortunately, for whatever reason, that hotfix isn't free. In order to
| get it, you have to call Microsoft's technical support hotline at (800)
| 642-7676 and, apparently, prove you need it. 


Along the same lines, think how many hours or days Web designer spend
discovering, utilising and testing CSS hacks which make IE work _as it
should_, according to standards.

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