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[News] Linux Comes to MRI

Siemens' Medical Unit Puts Suse Linux Into MRI Products

,----[ Quote ]
| The company employs approximately 33,000 people worldwide and operates
| in more than 120 countries.


This was mentioned once before, but it was not yet official. A funny story is
that we have a new Siemens scanner down at Hope Hospital. I even got scanned
on two occasions for a friend's experiment. The scanner's front end, which
runs Windows underneath, crashed on my first visit and took many hours (if
not a day), as well as several Philips engineers, in order to recover.

My understanding was that it was not an unusual event. It is in fact
_expected and predicted_ to happen quite frequently. Lack of reliability is
taken for granted. I heard about the main guy, Barry, losing heaps of
crucial patient data that he had not backed up. So long to having patients'
lives rely on Microsoft Windows. And have that rubbish software installed on
a 5-million dollar equipment. Apparently, Siemens learned their lesson.

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