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Re: COLA Stats 10 Sep 2006

__/ [ William Poaster ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 13:28 \__

> This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on  Sun, 10 Sep 2006
> 02:58:20 +0200, Roy Culley wrote:
> <snip>
>>> He is also, by virtue of the sheer number of posts, driving informative
>>> messages right off the news servers.
>> Utter unsubstantiated bullshit.
> I wonder, if this "...driving informative messages right off the news
> servers." is referring to the tolls crap (maybe "informative" to them, but
> crap to us) being drowned by Roy S's newsposts. And is this another way of
> flatfarce saying that the trolls posts are being shunted off the
> newsservers..  GREAT! Keep it going Roy! :-)

They lie, yet again. Gary does not killfile news items and neither does Erik.
They have proven it before. And yet, if I dare to have a typo in the tag,
they loudly nag. When that line of attack fails, they mention server
retention. But newsgroups servers retain by the post, not by the thread. So
the effect of my news posting is minute. But that's not what they would have
you believe. Other lies, off the top of my head: no followups as an
implication of no interest, Windows/MS-related being utterly irrelevant,

Seems as though I'll be getting in contact with some viruses (Windows) next
week. My activity in this newsgroup will be affected. Inevitably, not all
problems can be resolved remotely. No worries. I'll loosen that Windows
chastity belt. it's been accumulating dust for many months.

Best wishes,

>> A text newsgroup such as COLA uses a tiny amount of resources compared
>> to binary newsgroups. Please give a single example of a newsfeed that
>> has reduced article retention of COLA since Roy started posting? Just
>> one. I remember when 4,000+ articles per week were the norm on COLA.
>> Compared to other text only newsgroups like alt.atheism COLA is but a
>> pimple on your backside.
>>> [snip]

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