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Re: [News] Hasta La Vista, Windows Vista

In article <URDMg.18$A35.17@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'd say Roy Schestowitz is obsessed with comp.os.linux.advocacy.
> It's only the 9th of Sept. and Roy is well on his way to posting over 2000
> messages in one month!
> http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?enc_user=xFvp2hoAAAAb4mOWpyzVaW0aq-bp9
> NGnjj6y1UsWUZHxqbrtGgkPow&hl=en

Theory: if he can post enough off-topic news, or trivial news, people 
interested in useful Linux news will have to go elsewhere.  Some might 
go to Netscape's Digg rip-off.  Now consider who here benefits if more 
people use that Digg rip-off...

--Tim Smith

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