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[News] Hasta La Vista, Windows Vista

Hasta la Vista, part 1: Microsofts final death march

,----[ Quote ]
| Unfortunately, Bill Gates is not a wizard. Even worse, he is a bad 
| programmer. When Martin Eller, a Microsoft programmer, found an error in 
| the flood fill routine of the MS-Basic interpreter, he exclaimed "Which 
| moron wrote this brainless sh*t?" only to find out it was Gates himself who 
| wrote the "brainless sh*t". I think it is safe to say that Bill Gates is 
| hardly the technical wizard he would so much like to be.
| [...]
| Of course, this way of working simply couldn't continue. This had to go
| wrong one time. I don't mean the viruses, the spyware or the overall
| security (or lack of it). Microsoft tolerates the bugs riddling the 
| software, since problems can always be patched over. However, with each 
| patch and enhancement, it becomes harder to strap new features onto the 
| software, since new code can affect everything else in unpredictable ways. 
| In short, the software becomes unmaintainable. And Vista reached that 
| point.


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