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Re: [News] Microsoft's Tactics Drive Loyal Windows User to Linux

Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Fri, 8 Sep 2006 15:58:31 +0000 (UTC), thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Without a doubt, the activity of the Funkenbusch has declined an order of
>>> magnitude since I first subscribed to this NG. 
>> You know, I've seen a few Windows fans become Linux advocates that way.
>> They start out ripping on Linux, but the more they learn about it during
>> the arguments, the more they become secretly or subconsciously intrigued.
>> They eventually try it (perhaps telling themselves that it will help
>> them better criticize it).
> I've been using Unix system for more than 15 years.  I've been using Linux
> off and on (and more regularly recently) since at least 96.  I don't hate
> Linux at all, especially not on the server.
> On the desktop, I simply believe it's nowhere near ready for average use
> and that the level of maturity of support is sadly lacking.  For example,
> not one single Linux vendor provides the kind of resource Microsoft does
> via the MSDN and Technet.  
> Sure, there's a billion how-to's spread across the net, but this
> informaiton is typically out of date, incomplete, distro specific, and
> often times plain wrong.  Not to mention you end up having to scour the net
> looking for them (which is ironic considering all the bullshit Linux users
> spew about having to search for drivers for Windows.  I spend easily 1000x
> more time searching for information about Linux than I do looking for
> drivers for Windows).

Your last paragraph is excellent. It sums up all thats wrong with the
information repositories or lack of them for Linux.

Hordes of distro specific information which is often wrong : my search
for info recently almost made me jump ship and move back to
Windows. People often mean well, but there is a "hacker mentality" in a
lot of Linux users : and this often results in idle guesswork or illegal
hacks to get things working. As well as the poor standard of information
out there on the web, there is also a penchant for hardcore Linux fans
to disbelieve that anyone could be having issues.

Be warned that typing \fBkillall \fIname\fP may not have the desired
effect on non-Linux systems, especially when done by a privileged user.
(From the killall manual page)

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