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Re: [News] Hasta La Vista, Windows Vista

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> __/ [ Sinister Midget ] on Saturday 09 September 2006 20:57 \__
>> On 2006-09-09, Peter Hayes <not_in_use@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something
>> concerning:
>>> In <wjchzjr35t8j$.dlg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Erik Funkenbusch  wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 16:56:31 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> Hasta la Vista, part 1: Microsofts final death march
>>>> What's funny is that you seem to spend an awful lot of time obsessing
>>>> over Vista.  One might even think you're scared, using the logic Linux
>>>> advocates seem to like to use whenever Microsoft mentions anything
>>>> about Linux.
>>> You forget Vista is the first new OS to come out of Redmond for five
>>> years.
>>> New Linux versions appear almost daily, and major improvements happen at
>>> a bewildering speed.
>>> OS X has had four major releases since the Millennium, and a fifth is
>>> almost due.
>>> Considering Microsoft's snail's pace development cycle it isn't
>>> surprising to see massive interest in a new release.
>> It's like an eclipse. I've seen several. And they're really nothing to
>> lose sleep over. But I go out to look at one whenever I can because
>> they don't happen every day.
>> Vister is going to be a lot like an eclipse: you go to look, but it's
>> not going to matter much either way.
>> Fisted is also going to be a lot like a huge accident, too: you go by
>> to take a peek, and end up getting sick to your stomach when you see
>> what's there.
>> Crashta la Vista is going to be like passing gas after having stomach
>> cramps. It'll be really pleasant to finally get rid of it.
> *LOL*
See, royboy loved it! Maybe you can get on TV. 

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