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Re: Successful trolls.

On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 15:41:36 -0500, flatfish+++ wrote:

> On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 19:20:33 +0100, Mark Kent wrote:
>> Rewarding trolls by calling them "successful" is about the worst thing
>> you could do, that is precisely the kind of thing they're looking for.
>> The best thing to do is ignore them.
> Yea.
> Kinda like Roy Shesctowitch.

Learn to spell.

> You guys have created a monster and you are being used for his personal
> gain.

Exactly *how* is he using anyone in COLA for personal gain?

> You just haven't realized it yet.

What's to realsie? He's posting advocacy in an advocacy group. Big
surprise there? Hardly. Get over it.


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