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Re: Nudds

On 2006-09-20 14:36, * Hadron Quark wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> __/ [ Andrea ] on Wednesday 20 September 2006 11:56 \__
>>> On 2006-09-20 12:35, * cc wrote:
>>>> Dear Scoot "Fecalphiliac" Nudds,
>>>> Could you take your advocacy of the green apple nasties to a more
>>>> appropriate newsgroup please? Maybe alt.advocacy.poop? Thanks.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Marvin Haglar
>>> What about posting directly to /dev/null ?
>> With BCC to his employer, of course. How else would that monthly paycheck be
>> justified?
> Does Roy's self righteousness know no bounds? One minute he's stealing
> copyright material, next he's threatening to  give people black eyes and
> castrate them and now he's threatening people with reporting them to
> their employers!!!! ROTFL. Sickening. Get a life.

Read Roy's post again, Hadron. Because I think that you've seen there
what you wanted to see. Or maybe my english is so bad that I didn't
understood somethink about 'blink carbon copying' Scott's rubbish? I've
seen nothing about sending by Roy anything to Scott's employer.


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