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Re: [News] Is Windows Vista Just Windows 9x Underneath?

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:17:33 +0100
> __/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Wednesday 20 September 2006 02:00 \__
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, DFS
>> <nospam@xxxxxxxx>
>>  wrote
>> on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 19:18:11 -0400
>> <FS_Pg.6223$KR1.4097@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> yttrx wrote:
>>>> Is this version faster?
>>>> Is this version more stable?
>>>> Will this version run software that I need, that my current version
>>>> won't?
>>>> Of course, the answer to each of these at the moment is a resounding
>>>> NO.
>>>> Upgrading windows is for suckers.
>>> Those are important concerns, but after 5 years of XP I think curiosity or
>>> "it's something new, the latest and greatest" will drive a lot of
>>> upgrades.
>>> It's similar to the giddy tingling and schoolgirl giggles you see OSS nuts
>>> engaging in when a new Ubuntu comes out.
>> Multiplied by thousands.  After all, Ubuntu doesn't exactly have
>> hundreds of millions of dollars of ad revenue to throw at the problem.
>> :-)
> Nearly a thousand millions to be precise (just under that figure). Mark's
> gift from Verizon was 700 million dollars, IIRC, but I don't know how this
> sum was distributed. The investment in Ubuntu stands at about 10 million so
> far, as far as I can recall.
> I might as well add something that I neglected to mention. Only the premium
> versions of Windows Vista have Aero Glass. Sadly, too few people seem to
> realise it.
> Best wishes,
> Roy

An interesting point. :-)  If a game requires Aero it had better say so
on the packaging.

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Because it's time to refresh your hardware.  Trust us.

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